My new Etsy page banner:

In which during the creation of I hunched over the computer screen snarling and drooling like a rabid monster with my neck muscles tensing in fury every time something did not work and muttering terse obscenities under my breathe. It occurs to me that this is how most of my online assignments in college were done. This program was really not all that hard. Perhaps technology and I are not meant to be after all. I just persistently follow it around like a creepy stalker insisting that we can work things out; remember how happy we both are when we tough it out and find success? Technology patiently patting me on the back with a weary tolerant look on its face and me proudly grinning and holding up my new creation like a little kid with his first finger painting. Give me a break, technology. I don't even know how to text. Nope. Never done it. If we're going to make this relationship work, you've got to accept that your partner is a little slow. What? Wait! Come back . . .
It looks great! Just remember that technology tends to favor creepy stalkers and it will all work out.
ReplyDeleteThanks! lol, Just the encouragment I needed. I persist!