I was impressed with the student art show for Monica Geary, Krista Hoyes, and Cassie Sheidecker. Monica's work focused mainly on fashion, since she is going into design. She used different mediums but most of her pieces showed people modeling clothes or shoes. I was impressed with the detail and the style of her drawing, sort of like pencil sketches, very free and yet detailed and professional.
Krista Hoyes used mainly oil painting, and all hers were of female dancers in flamenco style. Next to each piece she gave a short summary of the type of dance she had painted, and the history behind it. I loved the bright colors she used against a dark background, and how well she blended the colors in the twirling dance dresses. Each painting was vibrant, something to be the center of attention, in clear cut lines and fun expression.
Cassie Sheidecker created her own room for her art exhibit, something I had never seen done before. The room itself was the exhibit, not only the art pieces displayed on the wall. It was done to tell a story collectively, not individual stories of each piece. She used art to tell about living with rheumatoid arthritis, leaving pill bottles hanging from the ceiling and nails sticking out of shoes on the floor. All her painting were different takes on the same portrait of her. It was very innovative and effective.
I think all three have done a good job of creating their own world and using their art to share that world with the rest of us.